Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I was born for a reason

I always know I was born for a reason. I just don't know what. Or at least, not at this moment.
I refuse to accept that I was born out of an accident. If I wasn't meant to be here, I will never be here.

Nobody in this world was ever born out of an accident. You are here because you are meant to be here.

I have my dreams. I have plans I've laid out for myself. I have everything in order. But I know that whatever planning I make, if it's not the way God wants me to take then He will make a way to lead me away from it.

My dreams are my guide. It gives me a reason to strive everyday. It gives me a reason to wake up in the morning and do whatever I can do to make my dreams nearer to me. I think I know where my path is leading. I think I had known long before I entered college. It has always lead this way.

I don't know why exactly I was chosen to be born in this particular place, with these particular people. I don't know the significance of everything happening in my life; the significance of every single detail; of every single person. I cannot explain everything about me or even understand everything happening to me but I know that everything happens for a reason.

For two decades that I have been living in this world I had come to accept that God is the one and only Captain of my life. I am here because of Him and He alone knows what He wants with my life. I can only follow.

People around me may see me as a person of no religious inclination. Maybe they are right. Maybe I don't have. But I believe that as long as I have accepted Christ in my life and as long as I remain faithful to him, then religion is of no importance.

I already cast all my burdens to Him, though sometimes I still have the tendency to carry the burden in my heart. In my heart, I have come to accept that if I open my heart to Him and lay down everything He will give what I pray for.

I may not understand His purpose for me but I don't have any plans of questioning it. I will never again doubt His plans for me because for so many times in my life, He showed me that He gives to those who ask and knows how to wait.

I know I am here for a reason. I know somewhere God has prepared something for me. I know that somewhere, God has prepared someone for me. I don't know what it is or who it will be but I know that when it comes, I will know.

I am here for a reason. And that is something that I am waiting to find out.


Anonymous said...

I know what you feel i look at my hands and then myself in the mirror thinking why am i in this body ther must be a reason i have to do something as there is only one of me >>>> I believe in good a bit but think it is our relatives and ghosts that answer our prayers and watch over us not god i am also only 22 our time will come but right now i feel pointless

just.aian said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by here and leaving a message. I have not updated this blog a long time ago so i get surprised when someone leaves a comment...thanks so much...


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