Let's face it -- English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.
Found this during one of my cyber wanderings...Its fun and its amazingly true...
We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.
And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one loose tooth, 2 leese teeth? One index, 2 indices?
Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?
If teachers taught, why didn't preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?
Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo or a truck by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways? Lift a thumb to thumb a lift? Table a plan in order to plan a table?
How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can a person be "pretty ugly?"
How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another. Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable? And where are all those people who *are* spring chickens or who would actually hurt a fly?
You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on. Why is "crazy man" an insult, while to insert a comma and say "crazy, man!" is a compliment (as when applauding a jazz performance.)
English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Sore Thumb
For thirty nine years the Philippine government has been at war with the New People’s Army, more or less two decades with the Islamic Militant group Abu Sayyaf, and three decades with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Needless to say the Philippines has been spending years of conflict with no imminent end in sight.
The fact that the country’s problem on insurgency is not as worst as those of other countries is something that Filipinos should be thankful for; but the fact that its there is also something to be worried about.
Like corruption, insurgency has been like a particularly stubborn weed which simply refuses to die no matter how many times you try to trample on it. The war between government forces and various rebel groups has been on going for decades now and has claimed hundreds of lives, ruined properties, families, and the prospect of a progressive Philippines.
Mindanao is an island with strong potentials in the tourism industry as well as business potentials. But the on going conflict in various places in the island has smeared Mindanao’s reputation. It created the image of Mindanao as a war torn place that could bring danger to anybody who sets foot in it instead of an island abundant in natural resources and teeming with possibilities. These possibilities are often overshadowed by news of kidnappings, bombings, ambush and encounters.
The presence of armed groups, reinforced by stories of kidnappings and violence, scares off and discourages potential investors. The clashes between government and rebel troops have constantly displace residents of affected places, traumatized them as well as ruin their livelihoods. How can one expect progress with these?
Aside from these, the Armed Forces of the Philippines is spending millions of pesos to finance the equipment needed by the troops in Mindanao. If the war escalates, the Armed Forces would need more equipment, more troops; hence, a bigger budget. And additional budget to the defense department would mean lesser budget to the other departments.
The on-going conflict in Mindanao has been like a sore thumb, sticking out and making its presence felt no matter how you try to pretend that its not there. The on going conflict affects the business and tourism potential of Mindanao and is, therefore, impeding the chance of the country to develop and progress.
This conflict is a product of the Moros fight for self-determination as a people with distinct history and identity. A fight which gave birth to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in the 1970’s and eventually to the MILF as the latter broke away from the MNLF. The ensuing conflicts that erupted between Moro and Christian paramilitary troops gave way to the war that became a burden to the country for 30 years.
For ten years now there had been peace talks between the government and the MILF. These peace talks enable negotiation between both parties for them to arrive at an agreement that would finally put the Mindanao conflict to rest.
With the presence of the NPA, Abu Sayyaf and other revolutionary and criminal groups, the war in Mindanao has never really ended. However the peace talks between the MILF and the government, at least, gave the government one less enemy to hunt.
The conflict in Mindanao, and the problem on insurgency as a whole, speaks a lot of things. It does not only symbolize the Moros struggle for autonomy but it eloquently speaks of the people’s distrust and dissatisfaction with the government.
The biggest problem that the Philippines faces is not the fact that it is geographically divided; but the fact that the people refuse to acknowledge that despite the problem on geography they are still bound under one race and must, therefore, learn to work together for good. Regardless of the differences in dialect, ethnicity and religion, they are all Filipinos who belong to one country that is presently plagued with poverty and corruption.
The Philippines is constantly facing problems that test its resolve as a country aiming for progress and development. But no matter how hard the country tries to move forward a lot of issues impede its pace. Unless these issues are properly addressed there can be no real development in the country. It is time that the sore thumb heals.
(Written October 29, 2008)
The fact that the country’s problem on insurgency is not as worst as those of other countries is something that Filipinos should be thankful for; but the fact that its there is also something to be worried about.
Like corruption, insurgency has been like a particularly stubborn weed which simply refuses to die no matter how many times you try to trample on it. The war between government forces and various rebel groups has been on going for decades now and has claimed hundreds of lives, ruined properties, families, and the prospect of a progressive Philippines.
Mindanao is an island with strong potentials in the tourism industry as well as business potentials. But the on going conflict in various places in the island has smeared Mindanao’s reputation. It created the image of Mindanao as a war torn place that could bring danger to anybody who sets foot in it instead of an island abundant in natural resources and teeming with possibilities. These possibilities are often overshadowed by news of kidnappings, bombings, ambush and encounters.
The presence of armed groups, reinforced by stories of kidnappings and violence, scares off and discourages potential investors. The clashes between government and rebel troops have constantly displace residents of affected places, traumatized them as well as ruin their livelihoods. How can one expect progress with these?
Aside from these, the Armed Forces of the Philippines is spending millions of pesos to finance the equipment needed by the troops in Mindanao. If the war escalates, the Armed Forces would need more equipment, more troops; hence, a bigger budget. And additional budget to the defense department would mean lesser budget to the other departments.
The on-going conflict in Mindanao has been like a sore thumb, sticking out and making its presence felt no matter how you try to pretend that its not there. The on going conflict affects the business and tourism potential of Mindanao and is, therefore, impeding the chance of the country to develop and progress.
This conflict is a product of the Moros fight for self-determination as a people with distinct history and identity. A fight which gave birth to the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in the 1970’s and eventually to the MILF as the latter broke away from the MNLF. The ensuing conflicts that erupted between Moro and Christian paramilitary troops gave way to the war that became a burden to the country for 30 years.
For ten years now there had been peace talks between the government and the MILF. These peace talks enable negotiation between both parties for them to arrive at an agreement that would finally put the Mindanao conflict to rest.
With the presence of the NPA, Abu Sayyaf and other revolutionary and criminal groups, the war in Mindanao has never really ended. However the peace talks between the MILF and the government, at least, gave the government one less enemy to hunt.
The conflict in Mindanao, and the problem on insurgency as a whole, speaks a lot of things. It does not only symbolize the Moros struggle for autonomy but it eloquently speaks of the people’s distrust and dissatisfaction with the government.
The biggest problem that the Philippines faces is not the fact that it is geographically divided; but the fact that the people refuse to acknowledge that despite the problem on geography they are still bound under one race and must, therefore, learn to work together for good. Regardless of the differences in dialect, ethnicity and religion, they are all Filipinos who belong to one country that is presently plagued with poverty and corruption.
The Philippines is constantly facing problems that test its resolve as a country aiming for progress and development. But no matter how hard the country tries to move forward a lot of issues impede its pace. Unless these issues are properly addressed there can be no real development in the country. It is time that the sore thumb heals.
(Written October 29, 2008)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friendster vs Multiply
Both are social networks. Both have millions of members.
But whose the best?
Of course you could always say that it depends on which one suits you best. But let us be honest about it, which one offers the best features? Let's take a look.
While both are user0friendly, Multiply offers more privacy for those who does not want to share their life to the rest of the world. You can upload unlimited photos, videos, songs, and of course, Blogs. For those who only wants to share their lives on the people they know, Multiply would suit them fine. Your profiles can only be viewed by people who knows your web address or is in your network. You may also upload personal files and is allowed to choose whether you want it shared to everybody, your network or to a select few you choose to share with.
On the downside however, for those who loves personalizing their pages, Multiply can be very hard to customize and only those who are really adept in CSS or are lucky enough to find layouts and themes they like can really personalize their pages. Those who likes to have many friends in their network may not like multiply that much. Unlike in friendster where everybody seemed eager to have new friends, most Multiply user are picky in accepting invites. And because only those you like or likes you enough to accept your invite can be in your network, your friendslist can be very small. Which is a blessing for those who does not really like that much of 'joiners' in their lives.
Meanwhile, I guess everybody will agree that friendster is more user-friendly than multiply. Here you can find long lost friends in just a click and expand your network almost without limit. You can also have albums though you are only allowed to have few and not allowed to uplaod videos. Friendster also offers fun widgets, group features, bulletin where you can announce or post anything, shout out your feelings to the world, and allows you to totally make-over your profile.
But for those who loves blogging, uploading videos and photos, friendster is very limited. Spams are also common and anybody can just view your profile. Although they do have the security features which allows you to choose whether you want anybody to view your profile or just those from your network. Your profile page an also be very crowded if you try to add all the widgets you love.
When it comes to features and security and privacy, it is more advisable to use multiply. But when it comes to connectibility and user-friendly features, friendster is the network to go.
So, which between the two I would choose?
I guess both. They both have their flaws but if you use them together, you can have the best of both. *wink**wink*
But whose the best?
Of course you could always say that it depends on which one suits you best. But let us be honest about it, which one offers the best features? Let's take a look.
While both are user0friendly, Multiply offers more privacy for those who does not want to share their life to the rest of the world. You can upload unlimited photos, videos, songs, and of course, Blogs. For those who only wants to share their lives on the people they know, Multiply would suit them fine. Your profiles can only be viewed by people who knows your web address or is in your network. You may also upload personal files and is allowed to choose whether you want it shared to everybody, your network or to a select few you choose to share with.
On the downside however, for those who loves personalizing their pages, Multiply can be very hard to customize and only those who are really adept in CSS or are lucky enough to find layouts and themes they like can really personalize their pages. Those who likes to have many friends in their network may not like multiply that much. Unlike in friendster where everybody seemed eager to have new friends, most Multiply user are picky in accepting invites. And because only those you like or likes you enough to accept your invite can be in your network, your friendslist can be very small. Which is a blessing for those who does not really like that much of 'joiners' in their lives.
Meanwhile, I guess everybody will agree that friendster is more user-friendly than multiply. Here you can find long lost friends in just a click and expand your network almost without limit. You can also have albums though you are only allowed to have few and not allowed to uplaod videos. Friendster also offers fun widgets, group features, bulletin where you can announce or post anything, shout out your feelings to the world, and allows you to totally make-over your profile.
But for those who loves blogging, uploading videos and photos, friendster is very limited. Spams are also common and anybody can just view your profile. Although they do have the security features which allows you to choose whether you want anybody to view your profile or just those from your network. Your profile page an also be very crowded if you try to add all the widgets you love.
When it comes to features and security and privacy, it is more advisable to use multiply. But when it comes to connectibility and user-friendly features, friendster is the network to go.
So, which between the two I would choose?
I guess both. They both have their flaws but if you use them together, you can have the best of both. *wink**wink*
My Top Filipino Horror Movies (through the years)
Horror is one genre that will never run out of audience. Everybody wants to be scared witless no matter how much we try to say the we wanted otherwise.
Here are some movies that scared (and used to scare) me:
1. 'Wag Kang Lilingon. Starring Kristine Hermosa, Anne Curtis, and Marvin Agustin.
Maybe I was not that scared with this movie but I can't help but admire the plot. The twist in the story is so amazing that I watched it again and again.
Who would have thought that a seemingly harmless nurse could be the cause of a series of deaths that she herself was investigating?
2. Feng Shui. (Starring Kris Aquino, etc)
I would honestly say that I did got scared with this movie. I was also surprised with Kris Aquino's acting because I really used to hate the way she acts. I don't think there is a need for me to elaborate on this as Feng Shui is considered as one of the best filipino horror movies of today.
3. Mag-ingat sa Kulam (with Judy Ann Santos, Dennis Trillo and Sharlene San Pedro)
Amazing, scary and amazing!
I was covering my eyes the whole time. The special effects are really something and worth applauding. Like "Wag kang lilingon" the twist in Kulam really scared the hell out of me.
It was a story of Maria and Mira, twins who grew up with a witchdoctor mother who trained them to use their powers. Mira reluctantly follows while Maria eagerly accepts the powers. When she is old enough to leave, Mira left their place and went to a faraway place to study where she eventually became a top agent in her company.
After Mira had an accident and lost her memory she started behaving oddly and seemed to see ghosts. With the help of his former lover, Mira remembered about Maria and slowly started to understand the horrors happening to her.
She was warned by a witch doctor they had consulted that when the eclipse comes, she could never escape the powers of her twin sister Maria. She was scared as well as her family and prepared for the arrival of her sister's spirit.
On the night of the eclipse, the family was separated and Maria found the book of witchcraft given to Maria by their mother and suddenly remembered everything.
"Ako si Maria..."
Realizing what happened, Maria (trapped in Mira's body) set out to kill her sister's shocked and confused family. Knowing that this will happen, Mira left a video tape to her husband instructing him what to do in case of her death. Paul (Dennis Trillo) followed the instructions and, before he could be killed by the avenging Maria, was able to destroy the spirit of his wicked sister in law.
The only hitch of this movie is the final appearance of Mira's ghost. It would have been better if it wasn't shown and allowed the movie to end as it is. It would have been more scary. The arrival of the ghost made the story more unrealistic than it should be.
4. Multo in the City
I don't exactly remember who were the characters in this movie or who directed it and when was it released but this was one of those horror movies which really scared me when I was in the elementary. I remembered the story revolved around an unearthed skeleton of a child which made her mother's ghost haunt the school where it was found. If I'm not mistaken the ghost was portrayed by Jacklyn Jose and she was really scary with the black veil and the look in her eyes.
6. Shake, Rattle and Roll
I forgot what episode but I know it was the story wherein a little girl was locked in a cabinet by hre brother and died in there. The little girl started haunting the cabinet. After watchng that movie, I refused to open any cabinet and would even imagine the face of the child inside it. When I was younger I used to think that I could hear a child crying from the cabinet in our house. Even until now when I would be reminded of the movie I would get chills whenever I would be near a cabinet. Any cabinet. =)
7. Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara
I don't know what scared me about this movie. All I know is that, whenever this movie is mentioned I would feel a kind of fear brought about by something that's supposed to happen. I don't know. Its like being scared by a memory you can't even remember.
8. Dear Tita Helen
I am not sure if it was the right title but I know it was a movie which starred Sharon Cuneta and I think Julie Vega. It was something about exorcism and the face of Julie Vega was really really scary. Especially with her floating and and having those green bubble like thingy coming out of her mouth. I was so scared after. I remembered that people said that it was one of the last movies where Julie Vega appeared and superstitious people said that the exorcism scene caused her death.
9. Maalaala Mo Kaya- Halloween Special Episode
It wasn't a movie but it was scary. It was the episode where Judy Ann was possesed by evil spirits because she cursed God after her family was killed. I was really scared with the scene wher Judy Ann was floating outside the window and laughing.
I don't know about others but these movies really made a mark in my mind and really scared me like hell. Maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat or maybe...their just that scary.
Here are some movies that scared (and used to scare) me:
1. 'Wag Kang Lilingon. Starring Kristine Hermosa, Anne Curtis, and Marvin Agustin.
Maybe I was not that scared with this movie but I can't help but admire the plot. The twist in the story is so amazing that I watched it again and again.
Who would have thought that a seemingly harmless nurse could be the cause of a series of deaths that she herself was investigating?
"Kung mahal mo ako, wag kang lilingon..."It was in this movie that I saw Anne's potential as an actress and how much she had grown through the years.
2. Feng Shui. (Starring Kris Aquino, etc)
I would honestly say that I did got scared with this movie. I was also surprised with Kris Aquino's acting because I really used to hate the way she acts. I don't think there is a need for me to elaborate on this as Feng Shui is considered as one of the best filipino horror movies of today.
3. Mag-ingat sa Kulam (with Judy Ann Santos, Dennis Trillo and Sharlene San Pedro)
Amazing, scary and amazing!
I was covering my eyes the whole time. The special effects are really something and worth applauding. Like "Wag kang lilingon" the twist in Kulam really scared the hell out of me.
It was a story of Maria and Mira, twins who grew up with a witchdoctor mother who trained them to use their powers. Mira reluctantly follows while Maria eagerly accepts the powers. When she is old enough to leave, Mira left their place and went to a faraway place to study where she eventually became a top agent in her company.
After Mira had an accident and lost her memory she started behaving oddly and seemed to see ghosts. With the help of his former lover, Mira remembered about Maria and slowly started to understand the horrors happening to her.
She was warned by a witch doctor they had consulted that when the eclipse comes, she could never escape the powers of her twin sister Maria. She was scared as well as her family and prepared for the arrival of her sister's spirit.
On the night of the eclipse, the family was separated and Maria found the book of witchcraft given to Maria by their mother and suddenly remembered everything.
"Ako si Maria..."
Realizing what happened, Maria (trapped in Mira's body) set out to kill her sister's shocked and confused family. Knowing that this will happen, Mira left a video tape to her husband instructing him what to do in case of her death. Paul (Dennis Trillo) followed the instructions and, before he could be killed by the avenging Maria, was able to destroy the spirit of his wicked sister in law.
The only hitch of this movie is the final appearance of Mira's ghost. It would have been better if it wasn't shown and allowed the movie to end as it is. It would have been more scary. The arrival of the ghost made the story more unrealistic than it should be.
4. Multo in the City
I don't exactly remember who were the characters in this movie or who directed it and when was it released but this was one of those horror movies which really scared me when I was in the elementary. I remembered the story revolved around an unearthed skeleton of a child which made her mother's ghost haunt the school where it was found. If I'm not mistaken the ghost was portrayed by Jacklyn Jose and she was really scary with the black veil and the look in her eyes.
6. Shake, Rattle and Roll
I forgot what episode but I know it was the story wherein a little girl was locked in a cabinet by hre brother and died in there. The little girl started haunting the cabinet. After watchng that movie, I refused to open any cabinet and would even imagine the face of the child inside it. When I was younger I used to think that I could hear a child crying from the cabinet in our house. Even until now when I would be reminded of the movie I would get chills whenever I would be near a cabinet. Any cabinet. =)
7. Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara
I don't know what scared me about this movie. All I know is that, whenever this movie is mentioned I would feel a kind of fear brought about by something that's supposed to happen. I don't know. Its like being scared by a memory you can't even remember.
8. Dear Tita Helen
I am not sure if it was the right title but I know it was a movie which starred Sharon Cuneta and I think Julie Vega. It was something about exorcism and the face of Julie Vega was really really scary. Especially with her floating and and having those green bubble like thingy coming out of her mouth. I was so scared after. I remembered that people said that it was one of the last movies where Julie Vega appeared and superstitious people said that the exorcism scene caused her death.
9. Maalaala Mo Kaya- Halloween Special Episode
It wasn't a movie but it was scary. It was the episode where Judy Ann was possesed by evil spirits because she cursed God after her family was killed. I was really scared with the scene wher Judy Ann was floating outside the window and laughing.
I don't know about others but these movies really made a mark in my mind and really scared me like hell. Maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat or maybe...their just that scary.
"IT" by Stephen King
One of the scariest books I've ever read. Stephen King is simply, remarkable!
A story of seven children confronted by evil beyond imagining, It is one novel that would make sleeping at night a really scary adventure.
In the town of Derry, Maine there is a horror that only seven children knows about. Children were being killed and mutilated and the people of Derry thought that a serial killer was on the loose but only the members of the Losers Club (Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Morgan, Ben Hanscom, Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, and Mike Hanlon) knows the truth.
Only the children knows about Pennywise the clown and went on to battle with the malevolent clown the many evil disguises of his. In a battle they had won with help of the turtle, the Losers club promised that when IT returns they go back to Derry and fight it again.
And when it returns, it haunted them one by one promising that none of them will livc. Will they survive?
It, like most of Stephen King's novels, was elaborately and excellently written. The plot was complicated but easily understood. The scenes are simplistic and harmless enough yet could bring chills in your bones when you try and close your eyes.
What makes it chilling is the way it is written itself. Stephen King is a master of description and the scenes are vividly descripted enough that reading IT could make you feel like you are in Derry and chased by Pennywise and his many guises. Reading IT is not scary as it is but when you put down the book and let the words sink in to your system, that's when Pennywise comes in.
IT is definitely one King's best novel.
(for more info about IT, please visit this site...IT)

In the town of Derry, Maine there is a horror that only seven children knows about. Children were being killed and mutilated and the people of Derry thought that a serial killer was on the loose but only the members of the Losers Club (Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Morgan, Ben Hanscom, Richie Tozier, Stan Uris, and Mike Hanlon) knows the truth.
Only the children knows about Pennywise the clown and went on to battle with the malevolent clown the many evil disguises of his. In a battle they had won with help of the turtle, the Losers club promised that when IT returns they go back to Derry and fight it again.
And when it returns, it haunted them one by one promising that none of them will livc. Will they survive?
It, like most of Stephen King's novels, was elaborately and excellently written. The plot was complicated but easily understood. The scenes are simplistic and harmless enough yet could bring chills in your bones when you try and close your eyes.
What makes it chilling is the way it is written itself. Stephen King is a master of description and the scenes are vividly descripted enough that reading IT could make you feel like you are in Derry and chased by Pennywise and his many guises. Reading IT is not scary as it is but when you put down the book and let the words sink in to your system, that's when Pennywise comes in.
IT is definitely one King's best novel.
(for more info about IT, please visit this site...IT)
OPM Song: Kanlungan
Probably one of the best Filipino songs that I've heard, Kanlungan is a song of change. One of the few songs that could really touch your hearts, Kanlungan talks about inevitable changes that come along as we journey through life. It looks back to time when everything seemed fine and nothing could separate two hearts.
It is not only a song of love but also a song of friendship. It is a song that tells about life itself and the happiness, pains and regrets that goes with it.
It is not only a song of love but also a song of friendship. It is a song that tells about life itself and the happiness, pains and regrets that goes with it.
by Noel Cabangon
Pana-panahon ang pagkakataon
Maibabalik ba ang kahapon?
Natatandaan mo pa ba
Nang tayong dal’wa ang unang nagkita?
Panahon ng kamusmusan
Sa piling ng mga bulaklak at halaman
Doon tayong nagsimulang
Mangarap at tumula
Natatandaan mo pa ba
Inukit kong puso sa punong mangga
At ang inalay kong gumamela
Magkahawak-kamay sa dalampasigan
Malayang tulad ng mga ibon
Ang gunita ng ating kahapon
Refrain 1:
Ang mga puno’t halaman
Ay kabiyak ng ating gunita
Sa paglipas ng panahon
Bakit kailangan ding lumisan?
[Repeat Chorus]
Ngayon ikaw ay nagbalik
At tulad ko rin ang iyong pananabik
Makita ang dating kanlungan
Tahanan ng ating tula at pangarap
Ngayon ay naglaho na
Saan hahanapin pa?
Refrain 2:
Lumilipas ang panahon
Kabiyak ng ating gunita
Ang mga puno’t halaman
Bakit kailangang lumisan?
[Repeat Chorus]
[Repeat Refrain 2]
[Repeat Chorus]
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Catherine, Called Birdy
"She's not your average damsel in distress..."
says the book's cover. And indeed she is!
Set in England in the year 1290, Catherine, is a daughter of a knight and a lady was trapped in a world were women have no power to speak their minds, do what they like most and marry whom they choose.
Written in a journal style of writing (very much like those of Anne Frank's Diary, the only difference is that Anne did actually lived), the Lady Catherine narrated her everyday life in the "Manor of Stonebridge, in the shire of Lincoln, in the country of England, In the hands of God..." or that's how she wrote it.
Growing in an era where women's rights is still unheard of, the Lady Catherine is already on her wits to win against her father who is bent on marrying her to whoever should offer marriage to his daughter and wealthy enough to suit his tastes. Tasked to write and account of her days by her brother Edward (who seeks to make her observant, thoughtful and learned), Catherine recounted her days full of adventures (and misadventures) and shared her thoughts on how women are treated in those days.
Funny and thought-provoking, this little book pictures the England of 1200's, a totally different England of today. Written by Karen Cushman, "Catherine, Called Birdy" is a book which shows us how lucky we are to live in this era.
Different from the other ladies of her time, Catherine seeks to do what others deemed as inappropriate for a young lady (i.e, climb trees, laugh aloud, cut their hair, wear nothing, etc.). She is always seeking for ways to escape her suitors and her sewing. Always wondering why men are allowed to do things while women not.
Catherine is a funny and interesting character who best resembles women who always knows what they want with their lives. Strong-willed and clever, Catherine is a personification of a woman who will do everything to have her way.
Reading her funny narratives, Catherine does not only gives a picture of long ago England and how women are being treated but also of how women tries to fight their way to gain the freedom that they deserve. This book is definitely a good-read, especially for those who believes and fights for women's rights.
Women empowerment, this is what the book is really all about.
Reading Birdy's diary, I could say that, indeed, she is not your average damsel in distress...
says the book's cover. And indeed she is!
Set in England in the year 1290, Catherine, is a daughter of a knight and a lady was trapped in a world were women have no power to speak their minds, do what they like most and marry whom they choose.
Written in a journal style of writing (very much like those of Anne Frank's Diary, the only difference is that Anne did actually lived), the Lady Catherine narrated her everyday life in the "Manor of Stonebridge, in the shire of Lincoln, in the country of England, In the hands of God..." or that's how she wrote it.
Growing in an era where women's rights is still unheard of, the Lady Catherine is already on her wits to win against her father who is bent on marrying her to whoever should offer marriage to his daughter and wealthy enough to suit his tastes. Tasked to write and account of her days by her brother Edward (who seeks to make her observant, thoughtful and learned), Catherine recounted her days full of adventures (and misadventures) and shared her thoughts on how women are treated in those days.
Funny and thought-provoking, this little book pictures the England of 1200's, a totally different England of today. Written by Karen Cushman, "Catherine, Called Birdy" is a book which shows us how lucky we are to live in this era.
24th Day of September
The stars and my family align to make my life black and miserable. My mother seeks to make me a fine lady-- dumb, docile and accomplished-- so I must take lady-lessons and keep my mouth closed. My father, the toad, conspires to sell me like cheese to some lack-wit seeking a wife.
What makes this clodpole suitor anxious to have me? I am no beauty, being sun-browned and gray-eyed, with poor eyesight and a stubborn dispostion.
Corpus Bones! He comes to dine with us in two days' time. I plan to cross my eyes and drool in my meat.
Different from the other ladies of her time, Catherine seeks to do what others deemed as inappropriate for a young lady (i.e, climb trees, laugh aloud, cut their hair, wear nothing, etc.). She is always seeking for ways to escape her suitors and her sewing. Always wondering why men are allowed to do things while women not.
Catherine is a funny and interesting character who best resembles women who always knows what they want with their lives. Strong-willed and clever, Catherine is a personification of a woman who will do everything to have her way.
Reading her funny narratives, Catherine does not only gives a picture of long ago England and how women are being treated but also of how women tries to fight their way to gain the freedom that they deserve. This book is definitely a good-read, especially for those who believes and fights for women's rights.
Women empowerment, this is what the book is really all about.
Reading Birdy's diary, I could say that, indeed, she is not your average damsel in distress...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Marry Me
"A story about a girl who likes a boy and a boy who likes his BMX bike..."
This was how the movie I found in YouTube was described by its uploader. I forgot who uploaded it and who directed the movie but what I know is that, the movie was simply fantastic.
I don't have the talent of describing things to people and 'fantastic' is the only thing I could think of as of now. Oh yeah, there is another one, fantastic and funny.
I never really have the plan of watching that movie but I was killing time yesterday and clicked it. I guess I was lucky that I did otherwise I wouldn't find this treasure.
The story is about a little girl who did everything so the little boy (named Jason) would notice her. It was a battle between the bike and the girl actually. The girl wants to be notice by Jason but Jason does not care for anything other than his bike. The 7 minute film was really funny as the girl did everything to catch the attention of the 'boy her dreams'.
I couldn't get the link but you can view it in youtube. I guess you just have to search for it.
But I'm sure its worth your while. Its one of those independent short films you can't help but love.
This was how the movie I found in YouTube was described by its uploader. I forgot who uploaded it and who directed the movie but what I know is that, the movie was simply fantastic.
I don't have the talent of describing things to people and 'fantastic' is the only thing I could think of as of now. Oh yeah, there is another one, fantastic and funny.
I never really have the plan of watching that movie but I was killing time yesterday and clicked it. I guess I was lucky that I did otherwise I wouldn't find this treasure.
The story is about a little girl who did everything so the little boy (named Jason) would notice her. It was a battle between the bike and the girl actually. The girl wants to be notice by Jason but Jason does not care for anything other than his bike. The 7 minute film was really funny as the girl did everything to catch the attention of the 'boy her dreams'.
I couldn't get the link but you can view it in youtube. I guess you just have to search for it.
But I'm sure its worth your while. Its one of those independent short films you can't help but love.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Online Movies
I always wanted to watch the movie "The Ballet Shoes" ever since I've read about it in Emma Watson's website (Yes, I love Emma Watson!). It has been months ago since I did and luckily I found the video in mymovies.ws, an online movie downloading website where I was able to watch the movie.
I was told the storyline is great. I've read that the book was great. I watched Emma Watson's interview on YouTube and she said the script is great. I did not know it was THAT GREAT!
I seldom like movies that are not thriller/adventure/horror in genre and The Ballet Shoes is one among the best non-horror movies I have watched and liked. The story is full of emotions and the acting was so convincing.
According to a summary provided in the IMDb Website, "Set in Thirties London, Ballet Shoes tells the exhilarating tale of orphans Pauline, Petrova and Posy Fossil, who are adopted by an eccentric explorer, Gum, and raised as sisters by his selfless niece. The timeless and uplifting story revolves around each girl's struggle to fulfil her dreams: Pauline longs to be an actress, Petrova yearns to be an aviator, and Posy seems born to be a ballerina. But when Gum disappears, the money runs out - and the girls have a fight on their hands. Their struggle to balance personal ambition with the need to survive physically, emotionally, and financially, proves moving and comic by turns. Written by BBC Press Office"
I think the movie teaches you how much you can do if you put your heart to something. It makes you understand that no problem could ever hinder you from reaching your dreams if you are brave enough to face it, that there is a solution to every problem and that, life becomes easier when you are sorrounded by people you care for and cares for you.
It also shows what arrogance could do to you and how much selfishness could affect not only your life but also of the people around you.
The movie is, however, not that heavy in drama. There are funny moments too which really lightened the somewhat heavy atmosphere of the movie.
Of course, I should say that Emma Watson proved that she's not only good at being a witch, she could also be a dancer and definitely an actress. But what I love most in the movie, aside from Emma, is the character of Petrova.
Well, Posy is cute and all but Petrova is one character I could somehow relate into. She was forced to be on stage even though what she really wants is to be an aviator. It seemed as if she has no choice, with the family needing the money and all, yet she never let go of her dreams and in the end she found her 'road in the sky'.
Among the characters, Petrova is the most remarkable because she is selfless and thinks only of what she can do for the people around her. She was the one who tried to find a way so Pauline could buy a frock so she could audition as Alice (For the Alice in Wonderland) and the one who never stopped believing that Gum would return.
But of course, that is not the only movie I watched. I am in movie marathon mode tonight so I am searching for movies I might be able to watch online. As of the moment I am still waiting for Mega Video to finish downloading so I could finish watching the cartoon show, Alice Academy...
Whew! Thank God for the Internet!
I was told the storyline is great. I've read that the book was great. I watched Emma Watson's interview on YouTube and she said the script is great. I did not know it was THAT GREAT!
I seldom like movies that are not thriller/adventure/horror in genre and The Ballet Shoes is one among the best non-horror movies I have watched and liked. The story is full of emotions and the acting was so convincing.
According to a summary provided in the IMDb Website, "Set in Thirties London, Ballet Shoes tells the exhilarating tale of orphans Pauline, Petrova and Posy Fossil, who are adopted by an eccentric explorer, Gum, and raised as sisters by his selfless niece. The timeless and uplifting story revolves around each girl's struggle to fulfil her dreams: Pauline longs to be an actress, Petrova yearns to be an aviator, and Posy seems born to be a ballerina. But when Gum disappears, the money runs out - and the girls have a fight on their hands. Their struggle to balance personal ambition with the need to survive physically, emotionally, and financially, proves moving and comic by turns. Written by BBC Press Office"
I think the movie teaches you how much you can do if you put your heart to something. It makes you understand that no problem could ever hinder you from reaching your dreams if you are brave enough to face it, that there is a solution to every problem and that, life becomes easier when you are sorrounded by people you care for and cares for you.
It also shows what arrogance could do to you and how much selfishness could affect not only your life but also of the people around you.
The movie is, however, not that heavy in drama. There are funny moments too which really lightened the somewhat heavy atmosphere of the movie.
Of course, I should say that Emma Watson proved that she's not only good at being a witch, she could also be a dancer and definitely an actress. But what I love most in the movie, aside from Emma, is the character of Petrova.
Well, Posy is cute and all but Petrova is one character I could somehow relate into. She was forced to be on stage even though what she really wants is to be an aviator. It seemed as if she has no choice, with the family needing the money and all, yet she never let go of her dreams and in the end she found her 'road in the sky'.
Among the characters, Petrova is the most remarkable because she is selfless and thinks only of what she can do for the people around her. She was the one who tried to find a way so Pauline could buy a frock so she could audition as Alice (For the Alice in Wonderland) and the one who never stopped believing that Gum would return.
But of course, that is not the only movie I watched. I am in movie marathon mode tonight so I am searching for movies I might be able to watch online. As of the moment I am still waiting for Mega Video to finish downloading so I could finish watching the cartoon show, Alice Academy...
Whew! Thank God for the Internet!
Friday, January 9, 2009
20 years and still learning...
=emote mode on=
=date: 010909. Two days before my birthday=
What have I learned for the past 20 years of my life?
1. Life is, indeed, full of surprises.
You can never tell what will happen no matter how you try to plan your life. One minute you think everything is going the way you wanted it, the next you will be surprised that its not going anywhere at all. You may be the happiest person in the world right now and then be the most miserable tomorrow. Nothing in life is predictable. Everything is uncertain.
There is no manual that will tell you how to live your life so you would be successful and happy, you can only take a step and move forward whether you like it or not and hope that things would go well for you.
2. Never say that you know somebody.
People, like the earth, undergoes changes and sometimes they simply change for the worst. You can never say that you really know somebody, not even your parents or your siblings. I guess, not even yourself. The moment you think you know the people around you, they change and become somebody else.
I agree with Karen Cushman in her book Catherine, called Birdy, when she wrote that people are like onions. We are made up of layers of personality. Each layers resembles our good and bad quality that we often doesn't realize that we have.
Humans are, simply, complex beings.
3. Life is a never ending discovery.
Everyday we discover and learn something new. The world is full of mysteries unfolding before us day after day, you just have to open your eyes wide enough to notice them.
4. The people you love are the ones that could hurt you the most.
Its different when somebody you don't care for hurts you. It doesn't matter what others say about you but its a different matter when its the people you love most. The people you love leaves a kind of pain that knocks your senses and leaves you gasping for awhile.
5. "The ones we cannot save are those people we love the most"
I forgot who said this but this is one of the things I've learned in my life. We cannot save those we love, we cannot protect them from things that could hurt them. Maybe that is why I wanted to become a soldier, so I could console myself by saving those that I can.
I think I know why we cannot save those people we care so much for. I think it is because we cared so much for them that we close our eyes and pretend that they are better when they are not. We don't want them to get hurt or be harmed that is why sometimes we force ourselves to believe that everything is fine with them even if at the back of our minds we know its not.
6. Not all questions can be answered with "gravity" or problems solved by Pythagoras.
Meaning? Not everything in this world can be solved by the power of thinking. Irrational it may be, but sometimes you have to use your heart to know the answer that the mind cannot give.
7. Nothing goes as planned.
And it does not only apply in activities. You may spend your life planning your life carefully but nothing will go as planned. There will always be hitch.
8. Never trust 100%.
Trust the people around you but not too much. Share them your life but not too much. I got hurt when I gave too much.
9. Love others, but love yourself more.
Bad? No. Don't give your love too much because you'll get hurt if you do.
10. "To thine self, be true"
Hamlet was right, you have to be true to yourself. Don't even bother pretending because not everybody will like you anyway. Somebody is bound to hate you no matter what you do. Don't even try to impress people, its a waste of time. you just have to be yourself and be thankful for those who accepted you despite your complexity.
11. Don't depend your life to the people around you.
I exist for the people around me but not because of the people around me. As I've said, and have always experienced, people come and go. If you only exist because of them, what will happen if they leave?
12. Crying can never solve a problem.
It may make you feel better but you can't do any other thing with it. You may cry but only to express yourself. Crying is not a cowardly thing to do but its not the most intelligent thing to do either. Cry if you must but remember that your tears won't solve your problems for you.
13. Bad can always go worse.
And I don't think I have to elaborate more on this.
14. The most important things are never taught in schools.
x=x/y+x can never tell you how to deal with the real world. They never teach us the formula of life. Schools never really teaches us about life.
15. We are never who we think we are.
Our perceptions of ourselves are not really accurate. We think we are this but we are never really like that. I guess the people who knows as better are those who doesn't know us because they are the ones who sees us without prejudice.
there are more but I don't think a day is enough to list everything down...
=date: 010909. Two days before my birthday=
What have I learned for the past 20 years of my life?
1. Life is, indeed, full of surprises.
You can never tell what will happen no matter how you try to plan your life. One minute you think everything is going the way you wanted it, the next you will be surprised that its not going anywhere at all. You may be the happiest person in the world right now and then be the most miserable tomorrow. Nothing in life is predictable. Everything is uncertain.
There is no manual that will tell you how to live your life so you would be successful and happy, you can only take a step and move forward whether you like it or not and hope that things would go well for you.
2. Never say that you know somebody.
People, like the earth, undergoes changes and sometimes they simply change for the worst. You can never say that you really know somebody, not even your parents or your siblings. I guess, not even yourself. The moment you think you know the people around you, they change and become somebody else.
I agree with Karen Cushman in her book Catherine, called Birdy, when she wrote that people are like onions. We are made up of layers of personality. Each layers resembles our good and bad quality that we often doesn't realize that we have.
Humans are, simply, complex beings.
3. Life is a never ending discovery.
Everyday we discover and learn something new. The world is full of mysteries unfolding before us day after day, you just have to open your eyes wide enough to notice them.
4. The people you love are the ones that could hurt you the most.
Its different when somebody you don't care for hurts you. It doesn't matter what others say about you but its a different matter when its the people you love most. The people you love leaves a kind of pain that knocks your senses and leaves you gasping for awhile.
5. "The ones we cannot save are those people we love the most"
I forgot who said this but this is one of the things I've learned in my life. We cannot save those we love, we cannot protect them from things that could hurt them. Maybe that is why I wanted to become a soldier, so I could console myself by saving those that I can.
I think I know why we cannot save those people we care so much for. I think it is because we cared so much for them that we close our eyes and pretend that they are better when they are not. We don't want them to get hurt or be harmed that is why sometimes we force ourselves to believe that everything is fine with them even if at the back of our minds we know its not.
6. Not all questions can be answered with "gravity" or problems solved by Pythagoras.
Meaning? Not everything in this world can be solved by the power of thinking. Irrational it may be, but sometimes you have to use your heart to know the answer that the mind cannot give.
7. Nothing goes as planned.
And it does not only apply in activities. You may spend your life planning your life carefully but nothing will go as planned. There will always be hitch.
8. Never trust 100%.
Trust the people around you but not too much. Share them your life but not too much. I got hurt when I gave too much.
9. Love others, but love yourself more.
Bad? No. Don't give your love too much because you'll get hurt if you do.
10. "To thine self, be true"
Hamlet was right, you have to be true to yourself. Don't even bother pretending because not everybody will like you anyway. Somebody is bound to hate you no matter what you do. Don't even try to impress people, its a waste of time. you just have to be yourself and be thankful for those who accepted you despite your complexity.
11. Don't depend your life to the people around you.
I exist for the people around me but not because of the people around me. As I've said, and have always experienced, people come and go. If you only exist because of them, what will happen if they leave?
12. Crying can never solve a problem.
It may make you feel better but you can't do any other thing with it. You may cry but only to express yourself. Crying is not a cowardly thing to do but its not the most intelligent thing to do either. Cry if you must but remember that your tears won't solve your problems for you.
13. Bad can always go worse.
And I don't think I have to elaborate more on this.
14. The most important things are never taught in schools.
x=x/y+x can never tell you how to deal with the real world. They never teach us the formula of life. Schools never really teaches us about life.
15. We are never who we think we are.
Our perceptions of ourselves are not really accurate. We think we are this but we are never really like that. I guess the people who knows as better are those who doesn't know us because they are the ones who sees us without prejudice.
there are more but I don't think a day is enough to list everything down...
Wanted: Sister!
I never had a sister and I always wonder what it feels like to have one.
I guess it would be really exciting to have somebody to giggle with, compare dresses and stuffs with, and even simply having somebody who understands how it feels to be girl.
I guess it would be fun to have somebody to talk about things that only girls could understand or discuss why your crush doesn't notice you, or have somebody to criticize your latest purchase or tell you that your taste in fashion really sucks.
Sometimes I pretend that I have a sister. Sometimes I pretend that I have somebody I whisper with at night giggling about my latest crush or wondering what to wear best in a party. Or just having somebody who would understand why you have to cry when the man you like dumps you like a trash.
Living with three other girls in a boarding house is the closest I ever got to having a sister, and its not that much. I mean, we don't quarrel like normal sister would. We were never 100% honest or blunt with each other like real sisters. We never even had an argument. We share things, stories and such but never like sisters.
I am often envious of my friends who got sisters they could talk to, share with, gossip with, and maybe even go shopping with. It would really be a major fun if I have a sister.
If I have a sister I would have somebody I could share secrets with. If I have a sister I wouldn't have to pretend that I am strong even if I am not. If I have a sister I would have somebody to share my things with and argue with.
I guess my life would be different if I had a sister. I wish I had one.
I guess it would be really exciting to have somebody to giggle with, compare dresses and stuffs with, and even simply having somebody who understands how it feels to be girl.
I guess it would be fun to have somebody to talk about things that only girls could understand or discuss why your crush doesn't notice you, or have somebody to criticize your latest purchase or tell you that your taste in fashion really sucks.
Sometimes I pretend that I have a sister. Sometimes I pretend that I have somebody I whisper with at night giggling about my latest crush or wondering what to wear best in a party. Or just having somebody who would understand why you have to cry when the man you like dumps you like a trash.
Living with three other girls in a boarding house is the closest I ever got to having a sister, and its not that much. I mean, we don't quarrel like normal sister would. We were never 100% honest or blunt with each other like real sisters. We never even had an argument. We share things, stories and such but never like sisters.
I am often envious of my friends who got sisters they could talk to, share with, gossip with, and maybe even go shopping with. It would really be a major fun if I have a sister.
If I have a sister I would have somebody I could share secrets with. If I have a sister I wouldn't have to pretend that I am strong even if I am not. If I have a sister I would have somebody to share my things with and argue with.
I guess my life would be different if I had a sister. I wish I had one.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
In our Journalism Ethics class this morning we were asked this question, what is "truth"?
I guess the question is very much relevant because we are "future journalists", as what we often call ourselves. As journalists, we strive for the truth, we want the truth.
Truth is the guiding principle of journalism. But how much of what we are reporting is true? What is truth?
Our instructor told us to give our definition of the word TRUTH and I wrote, "Truth is an idea that is never absolute. It is subjective and depends on a person's perception of things. Something is true (for me) if I believe in it or if I have substantial facts to support it."
As I think about the subject, it dawned on me that truth never really exists. Truth is not true. Its there but its not there. There is no truth in this world. Everything is an opinion. We define things the way we see it which means that there is a possibility that our definition might be or might not be right. I mean, its something that would not exist if you don't put a name on it.
Its like colors, we know that the sky is blue because we were told that the particular color we are seeing is blue. Right? What if nobody put a name on it? What if nobody defined it as blue? Will we know that its blue? We see the chair as a chair because we conditioned our mind that what we are seeing is a chair, if we haven't seen a chair our whole life it would be nothing but a piece of wood.
When you testify in court you take an oath and say that what you are going to say is the truth and nothing but the truth. But is it? Truth depends on how we see things and perceive things. And that varies. So how are we going to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? I mean we can only say the truth the way we see it, and it might not be right at all.
Truth is the ultimate abstract. Intangible and simply undefined.
I guess the question is very much relevant because we are "future journalists", as what we often call ourselves. As journalists, we strive for the truth, we want the truth.
Truth is the guiding principle of journalism. But how much of what we are reporting is true? What is truth?
Our instructor told us to give our definition of the word TRUTH and I wrote, "Truth is an idea that is never absolute. It is subjective and depends on a person's perception of things. Something is true (for me) if I believe in it or if I have substantial facts to support it."
As I think about the subject, it dawned on me that truth never really exists. Truth is not true. Its there but its not there. There is no truth in this world. Everything is an opinion. We define things the way we see it which means that there is a possibility that our definition might be or might not be right. I mean, its something that would not exist if you don't put a name on it.
Its like colors, we know that the sky is blue because we were told that the particular color we are seeing is blue. Right? What if nobody put a name on it? What if nobody defined it as blue? Will we know that its blue? We see the chair as a chair because we conditioned our mind that what we are seeing is a chair, if we haven't seen a chair our whole life it would be nothing but a piece of wood.
When you testify in court you take an oath and say that what you are going to say is the truth and nothing but the truth. But is it? Truth depends on how we see things and perceive things. And that varies. So how are we going to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? I mean we can only say the truth the way we see it, and it might not be right at all.
Truth is the ultimate abstract. Intangible and simply undefined.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Then and Now
Sometimes I ask myself, what I was born not as me but as somebody else?
What would my life be?
Where would I be now?
Will I still meet the friends I have now?
But there are a million chances that I won't, that my life would be different, that I may not be sitting here in front of this PC posting this message.
All the same, I am glad I was born this way. I couldn't imagine my life if I were somebody else.
What would my life be?
Where would I be now?
Will I still meet the friends I have now?
But there are a million chances that I won't, that my life would be different, that I may not be sitting here in front of this PC posting this message.
All the same, I am glad I was born this way. I couldn't imagine my life if I were somebody else.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Selective Amnesia
I am presently suffering (or chose to suffer) from Selective Amnesia. According to Wikipedia, selective amnesia, or Lacunar Amnesia, is the loss of memory about one specific event. In my case, its extensive selective amnesia.
No, I haven't been in an accident. No, I did not bump my head anywhere. No, I did not do anything to get it. Thank you very much.
I simply chose to have it.
There are somethings in my life that I'd rather forget or pretend that did not happen. There are things that I chose to pretend that I did not see or hear or even knew about. Sometimes I feign ignorance to escape. Ignorantism can also be a blessing, you know.
There are events in my life that I don't want to be reminded of. There are things that are just so painful that when I start to remember, my mind blocks out and I get disoriented. So I choose to forget instead.
But these things has the habit of popping out when you least expect it. Like a jack in a box or some idiot's idea of a joke, they spring at you when you thought you are perfectly safe and everything is perfectly fine. And when it happens, my mind goes into overdrive and shuts down.
If you had been reading my previous posts through the years you will notice the pattern. When the memory starts to sink into my consciousness, my mind wanders and it reflects in my posts. When the pain engulfs my heart the rest of my conscious ebbs away.
A simple photograph, a message, a song. Anything could trigger the memory and the pain starts. There are times when I thought I already forgot and I had already moved on. Then, something would suddenly pop-out and remind me of the very thing that I don't want to be reminded of.
Then the "emote" modes in my posts starts to appear. Then the writing goes awry. Then the posts becomes monotonous and idiotic. Then despair. Then depression. Then retreat.
Amazingly, I keep on bouncing back and becomes normal again after a short while. I go about as if nothing happened and nothing in my life has ever been disrupted. My posts would be alright again, my writing clear and everything is fine. But is it?
I guess its both a blessing and a curse that I could easily bury my deepest pains in the most secluded sanctums of my brain. I could always hide it like an old photograph tucked away in some unused boxes. They exist but you could always forget about them and move on with your life as if they don't.
So don't be surprise if you will notice inconsistencies in my blog. In fact, I am already having a hard time typing my words in this post because I am already having a hard time spelling words that are as common as the word "I".
One thing is, I want people to understand that I am in pain. It is the kind of pain that I don't want to acknowledge or speak of. It is something that I'd rather write about because it is a kind of pain that becomes more unbearable when spoken. I don't want to talk about it and I don't want to be asked about it in my face. I'd rather write than talk.
Thank you, I hope you'll understand.
No, I haven't been in an accident. No, I did not bump my head anywhere. No, I did not do anything to get it. Thank you very much.
I simply chose to have it.
There are somethings in my life that I'd rather forget or pretend that did not happen. There are things that I chose to pretend that I did not see or hear or even knew about. Sometimes I feign ignorance to escape. Ignorantism can also be a blessing, you know.
There are events in my life that I don't want to be reminded of. There are things that are just so painful that when I start to remember, my mind blocks out and I get disoriented. So I choose to forget instead.
But these things has the habit of popping out when you least expect it. Like a jack in a box or some idiot's idea of a joke, they spring at you when you thought you are perfectly safe and everything is perfectly fine. And when it happens, my mind goes into overdrive and shuts down.
If you had been reading my previous posts through the years you will notice the pattern. When the memory starts to sink into my consciousness, my mind wanders and it reflects in my posts. When the pain engulfs my heart the rest of my conscious ebbs away.
A simple photograph, a message, a song. Anything could trigger the memory and the pain starts. There are times when I thought I already forgot and I had already moved on. Then, something would suddenly pop-out and remind me of the very thing that I don't want to be reminded of.
Then the "emote" modes in my posts starts to appear. Then the writing goes awry. Then the posts becomes monotonous and idiotic. Then despair. Then depression. Then retreat.
Amazingly, I keep on bouncing back and becomes normal again after a short while. I go about as if nothing happened and nothing in my life has ever been disrupted. My posts would be alright again, my writing clear and everything is fine. But is it?
I guess its both a blessing and a curse that I could easily bury my deepest pains in the most secluded sanctums of my brain. I could always hide it like an old photograph tucked away in some unused boxes. They exist but you could always forget about them and move on with your life as if they don't.
So don't be surprise if you will notice inconsistencies in my blog. In fact, I am already having a hard time typing my words in this post because I am already having a hard time spelling words that are as common as the word "I".
One thing is, I want people to understand that I am in pain. It is the kind of pain that I don't want to acknowledge or speak of. It is something that I'd rather write about because it is a kind of pain that becomes more unbearable when spoken. I don't want to talk about it and I don't want to be asked about it in my face. I'd rather write than talk.
Thank you, I hope you'll understand.
Things I've learned in 2008...
Whew! Like so many other people in the world, I am still in the "happy new year" mode. I am still at the point in my life where I look back and sigh as I remember (and try to forget) all the things that happened in the past year.
Yes, 2008 may have come and pass as swiftly as it could but I could still count a few things that I have learned in the short time that I had been living it. If truth be told, I could not quite remember what exactly I've been doing in 2008 except that I had learned something from it. I think I'm suffering from selective amnesia or some kind of memory disorder.
Anyway, let me share to you some of the things I have learned in 2008.
First is, of course, SELF CONTROL. I admit that my temper has always been a problem. I also admit that I have a problem in anger management. I could never control myself especially when I get irritated or annoyed. I say things without thinking or do things that are so irrational and would often regret it after.
I am still a little bit like that though not that bad anymore. I think I had become a better person in 2008. For those who know me and thinks I'm still bad, then you might be right. But I think you would also agree that I am no longer that bad. I was worst in 2007.
At least now I could already control my mouth and my hands. My mind reacts faster now than before. I used to retort offensively before but now I could at least bite my tongue and save myself from feeling guilty.
I still hope, and still trying, to totally control myself. Sometimes I do lose control and hurt the people around me but I am just thankful that its not that frequent anymore. At least now I learned the value of SILENCE at the right time and at the right place.
The second thing I learned is that I am never meant to be a leader. Responsibility makes my head spin, my heartbeat to go fast, and of course, my temper to go out of control. I am a disciplinarian and I guess I will always be. In my attempt to make the people around me understand the importance of duty, discipline, dedication and respect, I become a Nazi to them.
I torture them, maybe not physically, but emotionally and maybe psychologically also. I noticed that whenever I speak or I say something, they keep quite and assumes the expression of a cornered animal. Maybe they do it unconsciously, I don't know, but it really bothers me. When there is a need to threaten the writers, the other editors asks me to do it. In a way, I had become a terrorist.
I know I could never become a good leader because I want people to follow my instructions out of respect and not of fear. I don't even want them doing it for the sake of my position or the authority that is given to me by my position.
One other thing, and probably the most important thing I've learned is that, never question God's plan in your life. You don't need to reach the end of the tunnel to see the light, there is light in the tunnel, sometimes we are just too blinded by our selfishness and distrust to see it or notice it.
I wish I could have learned more. I wish could have done more. But of course, there are still 359 days left for 2009, I still have a lot of time to learn new things.
I will not set any standard for 2009 nor would I expect anything. I had learned a long time ago that it is better to do the right thing without telling others because, oftentimes, people don't do what they say they would do.
I just hope that I will be strong enough to face and survive whatever trials I am going to face this year. And hopefully, I would still be pounding this keyboard (or any other keyboard for that matter) 365 days from now.
And with this, I am leaving behind 2008 carrying with me the few precious remnants of the things I had learned from it. Hopefully, these are enough to help me survive 2009.
Happy new year!
Yes, 2008 may have come and pass as swiftly as it could but I could still count a few things that I have learned in the short time that I had been living it. If truth be told, I could not quite remember what exactly I've been doing in 2008 except that I had learned something from it. I think I'm suffering from selective amnesia or some kind of memory disorder.
Anyway, let me share to you some of the things I have learned in 2008.
First is, of course, SELF CONTROL. I admit that my temper has always been a problem. I also admit that I have a problem in anger management. I could never control myself especially when I get irritated or annoyed. I say things without thinking or do things that are so irrational and would often regret it after.
I am still a little bit like that though not that bad anymore. I think I had become a better person in 2008. For those who know me and thinks I'm still bad, then you might be right. But I think you would also agree that I am no longer that bad. I was worst in 2007.
At least now I could already control my mouth and my hands. My mind reacts faster now than before. I used to retort offensively before but now I could at least bite my tongue and save myself from feeling guilty.
I still hope, and still trying, to totally control myself. Sometimes I do lose control and hurt the people around me but I am just thankful that its not that frequent anymore. At least now I learned the value of SILENCE at the right time and at the right place.
The second thing I learned is that I am never meant to be a leader. Responsibility makes my head spin, my heartbeat to go fast, and of course, my temper to go out of control. I am a disciplinarian and I guess I will always be. In my attempt to make the people around me understand the importance of duty, discipline, dedication and respect, I become a Nazi to them.
I torture them, maybe not physically, but emotionally and maybe psychologically also. I noticed that whenever I speak or I say something, they keep quite and assumes the expression of a cornered animal. Maybe they do it unconsciously, I don't know, but it really bothers me. When there is a need to threaten the writers, the other editors asks me to do it. In a way, I had become a terrorist.
I know I could never become a good leader because I want people to follow my instructions out of respect and not of fear. I don't even want them doing it for the sake of my position or the authority that is given to me by my position.
One other thing, and probably the most important thing I've learned is that, never question God's plan in your life. You don't need to reach the end of the tunnel to see the light, there is light in the tunnel, sometimes we are just too blinded by our selfishness and distrust to see it or notice it.
I wish I could have learned more. I wish could have done more. But of course, there are still 359 days left for 2009, I still have a lot of time to learn new things.
I will not set any standard for 2009 nor would I expect anything. I had learned a long time ago that it is better to do the right thing without telling others because, oftentimes, people don't do what they say they would do.
I just hope that I will be strong enough to face and survive whatever trials I am going to face this year. And hopefully, I would still be pounding this keyboard (or any other keyboard for that matter) 365 days from now.
And with this, I am leaving behind 2008 carrying with me the few precious remnants of the things I had learned from it. Hopefully, these are enough to help me survive 2009.
Happy new year!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Since the beginning of time, women has always played an important role in the shaping and changing of history. They were loved, hated, praised, and condemned. Some were enthroned and adored while others were scorned and burned at stake.
The way society views women has changed as many times as the changing of the millenia. History tells us of a great many women who had made their marks and left their prints in the horizons of the great. Through out history, a great many women has proved themselves greater and braver than their male countreparts. A lot of them has proven that women could stand on their own and fight the way men does.
Literature tells us the same. Though women has always been casted as weak, delicate, meek, timid, submissive and always has to be rescued by knights in shining armors, there are also works that depicts women in a more positive light.
Despite what history has proven to us and the many other things that proves women's strength, we are still leaving in a society which treats women as a secondary gender, weak and should be submissive to the whims of the males.
Despite efforts to change this view of women, almost nothing has changed. Yes, laws that protcets women have been passed and a lot of organizations are eagerly and zealously fighting for women's rights and protections but discrimination and inequality against women is still present in the society.
We are living in a time where we are taught [and indoctrinated] that male is the dominant, stronger, rational, and more logical gender. Books and movies tells us a story of women who are always the cause of trouble, the weakest link in the plan, the burden, the one who has to be rescued and the one who decides impulsively and are therefore prone to faults. Even fairytales are biased to men.
It is very seldom that we see women depicted as the stronger one, the leader, the brain, the strength and if they are ever shown us such then they are usually the villains. Women are quite infamous for being impulsive and tends to decide depending on their mood which tends to change as fast as the weather. A belief that is based on mere assumption by people who are, maybe, unfortunate enough to meet women who can't seem to decide for themselves. A trait that, most people refuse to acknowledge, is also present in men.
If you will look closely at history, its telling us that a lot of women has proven that they can actually decide for themselves and become great leaders.
I once had the chance to chat with an American soldier and I was surprised to hear his opinion. He said that what the Philippines need is a man and the Philippines will not progress with a woman president. I asked him why and he told me that women do not make good leaders. I was surpised. I must admit that Gloria is probably not the best woman to be made an example [though she had also proved herself a good example before she had made those blunders] but the statement was not meant for Gloria alone. That statement was made in reference to ALL women.
Not only that, anywhere you go, disrespect for women is still present. Thanks to pornography, alot of men in the society views women as sex objects; a something instead of a somebody. Women are abused left and right with and without the woman reallizing it. Lewd comments and off-color remarks have been so common that people tend to ignore it thinking that if you ignore it, it will go away. With or without malicious intentions, this kind of treatment shows how low the society looks at women.
Even in this modern times, a lot of women are still treated in a medieval attitude. A lot of modern men still treat their women the way medieval men treats thei women. Despite the liberality of this modern times, a lot of women are still oppresed and restrained. The society still has an inclination to think that women's place in the society is right at home and that their main role in life is to become a mother and a housekeeper.
For example, the police and military force of this country employs women and publicly acknowledges their rights and so on. Yet, if you will look at it closely women in police and military forces does not enjoy the same rights as the men. A lot of them are kept in the office instead of being sent out in the streets or in the field. Why is that? A lot fo explanation has been given but one thing is clear, women are kept out of it all because women are supposedly weak and can only do simple things. Women are for the homes not for war.
The sad reality is that only very few really appreciates the strength of women. Women are stronger than the society gives them credit for. They refuse to acknowledge that women is not only created to bear the pain of childbirth, to be a mother, a wife and a housekeeper. A lot of people still refuse to acknowledge that women are made as equals of men and are therefore capable of standing side by side with men. A lot men, even in these times, refuse to acknowledge that women deserves to be respected. And still, a lot of people has this fantasy that the sin committed by Eve in the garden of Eden is worth blaming to every single woman on earth. As if millions of women bit that fruit with her.
Every woman in the world, regardless of what she is, deserves the right to be respected and be given the chance to prove themselves. Every woman has the strength that could match that of men, the mind that could compete with them. A woman should not be judged from a sin she did not commit. Every woman varies, just like every man is different. Not everyone is impulsive, not everyone needs rescuing. Man and Woman was created equally. And it should stay that way.
The way society views women has changed as many times as the changing of the millenia. History tells us of a great many women who had made their marks and left their prints in the horizons of the great. Through out history, a great many women has proved themselves greater and braver than their male countreparts. A lot of them has proven that women could stand on their own and fight the way men does.
Literature tells us the same. Though women has always been casted as weak, delicate, meek, timid, submissive and always has to be rescued by knights in shining armors, there are also works that depicts women in a more positive light.
Despite what history has proven to us and the many other things that proves women's strength, we are still leaving in a society which treats women as a secondary gender, weak and should be submissive to the whims of the males.
Despite efforts to change this view of women, almost nothing has changed. Yes, laws that protcets women have been passed and a lot of organizations are eagerly and zealously fighting for women's rights and protections but discrimination and inequality against women is still present in the society.
We are living in a time where we are taught [and indoctrinated] that male is the dominant, stronger, rational, and more logical gender. Books and movies tells us a story of women who are always the cause of trouble, the weakest link in the plan, the burden, the one who has to be rescued and the one who decides impulsively and are therefore prone to faults. Even fairytales are biased to men.
It is very seldom that we see women depicted as the stronger one, the leader, the brain, the strength and if they are ever shown us such then they are usually the villains. Women are quite infamous for being impulsive and tends to decide depending on their mood which tends to change as fast as the weather. A belief that is based on mere assumption by people who are, maybe, unfortunate enough to meet women who can't seem to decide for themselves. A trait that, most people refuse to acknowledge, is also present in men.
If you will look closely at history, its telling us that a lot of women has proven that they can actually decide for themselves and become great leaders.
I once had the chance to chat with an American soldier and I was surprised to hear his opinion. He said that what the Philippines need is a man and the Philippines will not progress with a woman president. I asked him why and he told me that women do not make good leaders. I was surpised. I must admit that Gloria is probably not the best woman to be made an example [though she had also proved herself a good example before she had made those blunders] but the statement was not meant for Gloria alone. That statement was made in reference to ALL women.
Not only that, anywhere you go, disrespect for women is still present. Thanks to pornography, alot of men in the society views women as sex objects; a something instead of a somebody. Women are abused left and right with and without the woman reallizing it. Lewd comments and off-color remarks have been so common that people tend to ignore it thinking that if you ignore it, it will go away. With or without malicious intentions, this kind of treatment shows how low the society looks at women.
Even in this modern times, a lot of women are still treated in a medieval attitude. A lot of modern men still treat their women the way medieval men treats thei women. Despite the liberality of this modern times, a lot of women are still oppresed and restrained. The society still has an inclination to think that women's place in the society is right at home and that their main role in life is to become a mother and a housekeeper.
For example, the police and military force of this country employs women and publicly acknowledges their rights and so on. Yet, if you will look at it closely women in police and military forces does not enjoy the same rights as the men. A lot of them are kept in the office instead of being sent out in the streets or in the field. Why is that? A lot fo explanation has been given but one thing is clear, women are kept out of it all because women are supposedly weak and can only do simple things. Women are for the homes not for war.
The sad reality is that only very few really appreciates the strength of women. Women are stronger than the society gives them credit for. They refuse to acknowledge that women is not only created to bear the pain of childbirth, to be a mother, a wife and a housekeeper. A lot of people still refuse to acknowledge that women are made as equals of men and are therefore capable of standing side by side with men. A lot men, even in these times, refuse to acknowledge that women deserves to be respected. And still, a lot of people has this fantasy that the sin committed by Eve in the garden of Eden is worth blaming to every single woman on earth. As if millions of women bit that fruit with her.
Every woman in the world, regardless of what she is, deserves the right to be respected and be given the chance to prove themselves. Every woman has the strength that could match that of men, the mind that could compete with them. A woman should not be judged from a sin she did not commit. Every woman varies, just like every man is different. Not everyone is impulsive, not everyone needs rescuing. Man and Woman was created equally. And it should stay that way.
2008 is officially over. Thank God!
And I mean that literally.
The past year has been a year of struggles, trials and discovery. It was a year of tears and heartbreaks but it was also one of the best years of my life.
This has been a year of discovery. A year full of surprises, fun and arguments. A year which tested the strength of the bond we had fostered with our friends.
2008 tested our patience and determination as we struggled in the student publication. It tested our sanities as we try to do our best to keep the publication from falling apart. This is the year wherein our dearest and best writers left us; Riza, Mommy Maja, Mommy Yowh, Ate Merl, Kuya Micho, Ate Nelyn, Ate Steph.
A year where we found our strengths and weaknesses. A year of responsibility. A year of cold wars and petty arguments.
Now it is over. 2008 has come and passed. What have we learned?
2009 is finally here. What will it offer us?
For better or for worse, I know God will be with us.
The past year has been a year of struggles, trials and discovery. It was a year of tears and heartbreaks but it was also one of the best years of my life.
This has been a year of discovery. A year full of surprises, fun and arguments. A year which tested the strength of the bond we had fostered with our friends.
2008 tested our patience and determination as we struggled in the student publication. It tested our sanities as we try to do our best to keep the publication from falling apart. This is the year wherein our dearest and best writers left us; Riza, Mommy Maja, Mommy Yowh, Ate Merl, Kuya Micho, Ate Nelyn, Ate Steph.
A year where we found our strengths and weaknesses. A year of responsibility. A year of cold wars and petty arguments.
Now it is over. 2008 has come and passed. What have we learned?
2009 is finally here. What will it offer us?
For better or for worse, I know God will be with us.
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